AECOM has received a potential five-year, $45 million task order under the U.S. Navy‘s SeaPort-e contract vehicle for engineering and technical support to the Naval Surface Warfare Center - Dahlgren Division.
The company said Wednesday it will provide design and development services to support the production of Navy and U.S. Marine Corps radar systems.
“We are excited to have been chosen as a prime contractor and look forward to continuing our partnership with the U.S. Navy under this task order,” said Randy Wotring, president of the management services group at AECOM.
The task order includes one-year base period and four option years and covers modeling, test, evaluation and maintenance work on tactical fire control radars and computer programs.
AECOM will also provide program management, systems integration, at-sea and field testing and other services to NAVSEA’s Dahlgren Division.