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  • Raytheon Picks 32 Teachers to Receive Engineering Scholarship Funds - top government contractors - best government contracting event

    Raytheon Picks 32 Teachers to Receive Engineering Scholarship Funds

    Raytheon has selected 32 elementary school teachers for grants of up to $2,500 each to implement the company’s Engineering is Elementary Teacher Scholarship Program in their respective classrooms. Under a $2 million project between Raytheon and Boston’s Museum of Science, the winning teachers will implement curriculum intended to build up knowledge of engineering and technology […] More

  • Turner Construction's Youthforce 2020 STEM Education Program Now in its 25th Year - top government contractors - best government contracting event

    Turner Construction’s Youthforce 2020 STEM Education Program Now in its 25th Year

    Turner Construction Co. is continuing its educational program for the youth of Baltimore, Md., including ongoing classes concerning the construction industry. As a part of the Youthforce 2020 program, the company’s community affairs director, Dexter Hendricks, meets with  City Springs Elementary and Middle School students once a month, according to a Baltimore Curriculum Project blog post […] More

  • NVTC to Co-Launch New Website for Veterans to Find IT Work - top government contractors - best government contracting event

    NVTC to Co-Launch New Website for Veterans to Find IT Work

    The Northern Virginia Technology Council, the Consumer Electronics Association and Monster Worldwide is launching on Jan. 8, an online community aimed to connect military veterans with possible employment in the information technology sector. “USTechVets seeks to facilitate veterans’ transition to civilian careers, reduce veteran unemployment and provide America’s veteran workforce access to employment in […] More