The State Department has issued a request for proposals for a potential 10-year, $850 million contract to update a technology platform designed to process passports and visas as well as deliver emergency services to U.S. citizens abroad, Nextgov reported Monday.
The Consular Systems Modernization contract is part of the ConsularOne program within the department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs.
The State Department said in a FedBiZOpps notice posted May 5 the ConsularOne initiative seeks to consolidate and upgrade operations through the adoption of a standard technology model to facilitate delivery of consular services to citizens both in the U.S. and abroad.
ConsularOne also aims to facilitate data access for CA staff and support paperless processing of applications as well as advance the collection of performance metrics and integration with external databases.
The contract has several task areas that include task order management, consular systems capability project, information technology operations and maintenance and integration services.
Responses to the RFP are due June 7.