Tunista Operations Support Services, a Yulista Holding subsidiary, was chosen by the Federal Communications Commission to maintain its facilities in multiple locations.
The National Capital Region Facility Support Services contract will be carried out at FCC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., as well as its offices in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and Columbia, Maryland, Yulista announced Wednesday.
Under the FCC award, the contractor will provide operations, maintenance and other facility needs at the agency’s three locations.
“TOSS is grateful for the opportunity to partner with the FCC and looks forward to providing quality support to our valued customer,” said Kyle Nakamura, company vice president.
TOSS’ core capabilities range from air combat training systems, base and range supply and operations, to biological services, furnishing, lodging, security and weather technologies.
Its facilities offerings include commercial cleaning, housekeeping, custodial and janitorial services, and “green-cleaning” or eco-friendly services.