Aviture will create a new cloud-based platform in an effort to help the U.S. Air Force assign contingency quarters for warfighters.
As part of an authority to operate granted to the company, Aviture said Wednesday it will lead the development of the Contingency Quarters Management Accountability Platform, which would be used by services managers to monitor the space and equipment availability of military quarters.
CQMAP will employ Amazon Web Services’ GovCloud to store and manage data in an asynchronous manner, which Aviture notes would keep terminals and devices up to date with real-time data.
“With this project, we’re looking to give airmen the confidence to know that, the moment they get on the ground, there will be quarters instantly waiting for them,” said Mark Griffis, founder and president of Aviture.
Aviture envisions CQMAP to eventually align quarter assignments with an occupant’s status, gender and rank, as technology progresses.