The U.S. Environment Protection Agency has awarded Abt Associates a five-year, $17 million contract to perform economic analysis and computer modeling work in an effort to help the EPA study and aim to mitigate chemical pollution.
Abt aims to help the EPA determine the risks chemical releases from industrial factories pose and provide information on pollution prevention, outreach and meeting support for voluntary pollution prevention efforts, Abt Associates said Tuesday.
Dr. Joshua Lipton, Abt’s environmental and natural resources division leader, said that the organization will conduct a number of activities such as economic analysis and communication strategies and tools to manage chemical risk and promote environmentally-safe products to consumers.
EPA’s office of pollution prevent and toxics chemistry, economics and sustainable strategies division will work closely with the organization for the project, which will be led by Dr. Alice Tome, said Abt Associates.
Abt has provided analytics-related services to the EPA since 2005 for more than 90 of the agency’s rulemaking initiatives.