The U.S. Army is seeking white papers on approaches to design, integrate and prototype high-energy lasers for potential use in deterring small unmanned aircraft systems.
A broad agency announcement released Wednesday says the project will focus on the integration of a government-owned HEL subsystem, a sensor suite and a power technology to build a counter-sUAS platform.
Specifically, the branch wants to know how potential offerors would deliver a pair of C-sUAS HEL systems if they will be given HEL weapon systems and two surveillance radar systems as government-furnished equipment.
The Army is interested in platforms that can recognize Class 1 and 2 drones at a standoff range and apply hard-kill technology to take down such threats.
According to the BAA, the government plans to use a sole-source contract or an other transaction agreement in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation for production work after the proposed prototype project.
White paper submissions are due Feb. 24.