Lockheed Martin has conducted a site acceptance test of a multi-role radar that the company produced for the Latvian military.
The company said Monday the test marks the on-schedule delivery of the first of three TPS-77 radars to Latvia’s defense ministry.
Latvia awarded Lockheed a contract in 2015 to supply three TPS-77s for aircraft surveillance operations.
The radar systems will work to boost the Latvian air force’s flight surveillance and identification capacity to optimize early warning and situational awareness.
TPS-77 is the newest offering in Lockheed’s line of surveillance radars and is designed to conduct multiple missions at a single time.
Latvia’s version of the radar supports installation on trucks for remote site operations as well as deployment at fixed sites.
Lockheed partnered with the Latvian industry to aid the procurement, production, long-term local maintenance and support of TPS-77.