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NASA Seeks Proposals for Small Business Innovation Research and Tech Transfer Program

NASA Seeks Proposals for Small Business Innovation Research and Tech Transfer Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event

NASA Seeks Proposals for Small Business Innovation Research and Tech Transfer Program - top government contractors - best government contracting eventNASA seeks new technologies from small businesses and research institutions that can be transitioned to support the space agency’s mission programs and other commercial applications.

The space agency said Friday interested parties can submit responses for the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I solicitation through March 9.

Phase I awards for the SBIR and STTR programs will evaluate the commercial, scientific and technical applications of proposed technologies as well as the feasibility of each system designed to fulfill NASA requirements.

The SBIR and STTR awards, which will run for six and 13 months respectively, will be valued at an estimated $125,000.

“In 2017, we asked small businesses through numerous means for feedback regarding our program,” said Jenn Gustetic, SBIR/STTR program executive for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.

“In response to that feedback and through efforts to modernize our program, we made some programmatic and operational enhancements for the 2018 solicitation period which should help small businesses focus on submitting quality proposals.”

This year’s solicitation will highlight an updated proposal submission system, SBIR and STTR subtopic lists as well as briefing charts aimed at helping proposers gain information about NASA’s requirements.

Phase I SBIR and STTR awardees have an opportunity to apply for two-year Phase II awards valued at $750,000 which will develop, demonstrate and deliver proposed technology concepts.

NASA Ames Research Center oversees the SBIR/STTR program on behalf of STMD.

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Written by Scott Nicholas

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