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  • Defense Leaders Discuss How SBOMs Are Being Leveraged to Enhance Military Cybersecurity - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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    Defense Leaders Discuss How SBOMs Are Being Leveraged to Enhance Military Cybersecurity

    Software Bills of Materials, commonly referred to as SBOMs, have emerged in the last decade as a measure to ensure software security, transparency and integrity while protecting buyers from potential bugs and vulnerabilities. But how exactly are they being used to enhance cybersecurity across the Department of Defense? “SBOMs are critical from a software supply […] More

  • Army Explores Potential Cloud Software Management Support Sources - top government contractors - best government contracting event

    Army Explores Potential Cloud Software Management Support Sources

    The U.S. Army is conducting market research to identify potential vendors that can help the service branch procure and manage cloud-based software platforms. A SAM notice posted Wednesday indicates the Enterprise Cloud Management Agency is interested in procuring commercial off-the-shelf software licenses for a shared services program, a DevSecOps pipeline and a data service environment. […] More