
NewSpace Aims to Raise $200M for Space Software Investment

NewSpace Aims to Raise $200M for Space Software Investment - top government contractors - best government contracting event
NewSpace Aims to Raise $200M for Space Software Investment - top government contractors - best government contracting event

NewSpace Networks plans to generate approximately $200M and intends to use the funds to develop or invest in software-based aerospace technology platforms.

The company said Tuesday it aims to drive the transformation of space industry's focus from hardware to software-defined processes via investment, acquisition and product development efforts.

According to NewSpace, it will work with advisory firm GlobalView Strategic Advisors to identify a business strategy as well as capital raising and merger-and-acquisition opportunities.

The San Jose, Calif.-based software and investment company is looking to leverage a space connectivity approach to address edge computing challenges. Other areas of innovation and investment include data analytics, application lifecycle management, internet of things and cloud integration.

Vector Launch co-founder Shaun Coleman established NewSpace with industry veterans John Metzger and Robert Cleave.

NewSpace's founding team previously worked with various firms such as Lockheed Martin, VMware, Akamai, Citrix, RSA Security.

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