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Thank You - top government contractors - best government contracting eventW32.Stuxnet Dossier

This white paper from Symantec takes a look at each of the different components of Stuxnet to understand how the threat works in detail while keeping in mind that the ultimate goal of the threat is the most interesting and relevant part of the threat.

Thank You - top government contractors - best government contracting eventGlobal Energy Cyberattacks: “Night Dragon”

Starting in November 2009, coordinated covert and targeted cyberattacks have been conducted against global oil, energy and petrochemical companies. In this white paper, McAfee identifies the tools, techniques and network activities used in these continuing attacks — which the firm dubbed Night Dragon — as originating primarily in China.

Thank You - top government contractors - best government contracting eventCyber crime: a clear and present danger

This white paper titled “Cyber crime, a clear and present danger: Combating the fastest-growing cybersecurity threat” is the key finding of Deloitte’s review of the results of the 2010 CSO CyberSecurity Watch Survey, sponsored by Deloitte and conducted in collaboration with CSO Magazine, the U.S. Secret Service, and the CERT Coordination Center at Carnegie Mellon.

Thank You - top government contractors - best government contracting eventTHE SECURITY STACK: A Model for Understanding The Cybersecurity We Need

This white paper by CSC proposes a four-layer model called the “security stack” as a means to visualize the complexity of cybersecurity problems and see through to comprehensive, effective solutions. The authors use the term “stack” strictly as analogous (having similarities) to other well accepted stacks where layers deliver services and exchange information to achieve a higher level service. The notion of a “security stack” serves the proposition that security must be an integrated set of services. The paper defines each layer, offers examples of enabling technologies, related standards, and types of professional security services that implement the enabling technologies.

Thank You - top government contractors - best government contracting eventBuilding a Secure Workforce

In today’s evolving and changing global environment, business in the public sector is increasingly more challenging. There is an ongoing need to adapt a more balanced and integrated approach to protecting information and other assets. As the world becomes a virtual community of competitors and predators, an organization’s assets are at greater risk than in the past, when the world was more localized, compartmentalized, and siloed. The dilemma that leaders face today is managing an evolving networked organization that is virtually connected, but secure. This white paper from Deloitte Federal Government Services discusses the insider threat and defines the risks associated with asset loss and an approach to mitigate an insider through the development and management of a secure workforce.

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Thank You - top government contractors - best government contracting eventFive Myths About Cybersecurity

The mass use of the Internet provides many opportunities, but also many risks. Unfortunately, the majority of Internet users are unaware of the risks that cyberspace poses. In this white paper, Melissa Hathaway discusses some common myths about security in cyberspace.

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