Thea Loise Woodward
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Red Hat’s David Egts: Cloud Exit, Backup Plans Can Help Agencies Manage Egress Costs
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 21, 2020 — David Egts, chief technologist at Red Hat’s North American public sector segment, recommended that agencies create exit and backup strategies for cloud-hosted data and applications in order to reduce egress fees charged for moving from one provider to another, GovCon Wire reported April 8.
Boeing, USAF Finalize KC-46A Remote Vision Tech Retrofit Plan; Leanne Caret Quoted
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 20, 2020 — Boeing (NYSE: BA) and the U.S. Air Force have agreed to incorporate the final design for remote vision system into KC-46A Pegasus contract requirements, GovCon Wire reported April 3.
SAIC Posts 29% Gain for Q4 2020; Nazzic Keene Quoted
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 17, 2020 — Science Applications International Corp. (NYSE: SAIC) posted a $348M revenue increase, or 29 percent, for the fourth quarter of its 2020 fiscal year, ExecutiveGov reported March 27.
Jacobs to Help Secure USPTO IT Systems; Caesar Nieves Quoted
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 16, 2020 — Jacobs will provide cybersecurity support for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's enterprise information technology systems under a three-year, $29M contract, ExecutiveGov reported April 6.
Serco to Help Operate Space Force Surveillance System; Dave Dacquino Quoted
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 15, 2020 — Serco Inc. will support the U.S. Space Force in operation and maintenance of a system used to track manmade objects in deep space under a potential 80-month, $57M contract, ExecutiveGov reported April 6.
Perspecta Extends NGEN Hardware Work Under $62M Navy Award; Mac Curtis Quoted
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 14, 2020 — Perspecta (NYSE: PRSP) will continue to provide end-user hardware services to the Department of the Navy under a four-month, $62M Next Generation Enterprise Network contract extension, GovCon Wire reported April 3.
Andy Green: HII Can Offer Comprehensive Autonomous Underwater Tech Suite Post-Hydroid Acquisition
TYSONS CORNER, VA, April 13, 2020 — Andy Green, president of Huntington Ingalls Industries' (NYSE: HII) technical solutions division, said the acquisition of marine robotics technology developer Hydroid complements HII's unmanned underwater vehicles portfolio, ExecutiveBiz reported March 27.
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IntelliDyne Creates Employee Support, Relief Funds Amid Pandemic; Robert Grey Quoted
IntelliDyne has set up two funds to aid its personnel who support government customers in essential field posts and are exposed to the COVID-19 virus.
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NDIA, SOCOM to Hold Online Conference on Special Ops Innovation Opportunities; Hawk Carlisle Quoted
The National Defense Industrial Association has partnered with U.S. Special Operations Command to conduct a five-day virtual event to inform the public and private sectors about opportunities to collaborate and address SOCOM's technology requirements.