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Anduril Develop, Test Force Protection Tech for UK Military

Anduril Develop, Test Force Protection Tech for UK Military - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Anduril has secured a two-year, $5.2 million contract to help the U.K. government demonstrate base protection technology that uses artificial intelligence to detect threats across multiple domains.

The company said Friday it will offer its technology to support the U.K.’s TALOS program, which aims to accelerate the country’s integrated command and control approach.

The Anduril-made Lattice artificial intelligence operating system works with multiple, networked sensors to autonomously identify and track targets. Operators receive alerts on targets as the technology generates options on how to address these threats.

The sensor network employed by Anduril’s technology includes ground sensors, Ghost 4 Drones and Sentry Tower units.

“The artificial intelligence at the heart of this system has great potential to protect our people and sites,” said Patrick Sanders, who leads the U.K.’s strategic command.

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Written by Nichols Martin

a staff writer at Executive Mosaic, produces articles on the federal government's technology and business interests. The coverage of these articles include government contracting, cybersecurity, information technology, health care and national security.

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