
FAA Authorizes Suborbital Flight Test for SpaceX’s Reusable Launch Vehicle Prototype

FAA Authorizes Suborbital Flight Test for SpaceX's Reusable Launch Vehicle Prototype - top government contractors - best government contracting event
FAA Authorizes Suborbital Flight Test for SpaceX's Reusable Launch Vehicle Prototype - top government contractors - best government contracting event

SpaceX has received Federal Aviation Administration clearance to test a prototype of the company's new crew and cargo transportation platform through suborbital flight missions.

FAA said Thursday it granted the company a license to perform pre-flight ground and liftoff operations for the Starship prototype at a launch site in Boca Chica, Texas.

The agency required SpaceX to validate and report anomalies during flights and submit a nominal thrust profile along with recommendations on liquid oxygen and methane quantities.

Starship is a reusable launch vehicle designed to send crew and cargo that weigh more than 100 metric tonnes into space.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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