
Keegan Caldwell Sees Increasing Importance of IP Portfolios in Business Partnerships

Keegan Caldwell Sees Increasing Importance of IP Portfolios in Business Partnerships - top government contractors - best government contracting event

For Keegan Caldwell, global managing partner at law firm Caldwell, having a robust intellectual property portfolio is key to establishing a transformative partnership with other businesses.

Organizing One’s IP Portfolio

To best leverage one’s IP portfolio to attract partners, a company should not simply showcase it but first organize it in a way that highlights its complementary value to potential collaborators, Caldwell said in an opinion column published Monday on Forbes. This process involves evaluating one’s portfolio through a partner’s perspective to see how the collaboration might address technological gaps or what market opportunities the collaboration could unlock.

Evaluating a Potential Partner’s IP

Equally important is the need for a company to evaluate the IP portfolio of a potential partner. Caldwell recommended using a framework that looks into the quality of the partner’s portfolio and its alignment with one’s innovation strategy; the partner’s litigation history and whether their existing or pending patents might infringe on the IP rights of others; and potential red flags like gaps in geographic coverage for crucial markets, abandoned patents and unclear ownership or licensing rights.

An Investment in the Future

Caldwell believes that when it comes to forming and maintaining partnerships, IP portfolios will become even more important in the future. He also believes these portfolios are more than just a documentation of an organization’s legal rights. For Caldwell, they are “an investment in your company’s collaborative future and a powerful tool for creating lasting value.”

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Written by Jerry Petersen

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