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AI Factory Development Approach to Bring Efficiency & Standardization, ECS’ Martin Klein Says

AI Factory Development Approach to Bring Efficiency & Standardization, ECS' Martin Klein Says - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Organizations should develop artificial intelligence using an AI factory approach in order to maximize the technology’s potential, according to ECS Vice President of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Martin Klein.

An AI factory approach would entail the use of automation at every step of the development workflow, from the collection and processing of training data to the testing and validation of AI models, all the way through deployment, monitoring and maintenance, Klein said in an article posted on the ECS website.

The benefits of an AI factory include bringing AI models into production using less time and resources due to automation; developing and deploying models more consistently due to standardization; and increasing the reliability and quality of subsequent AI products.

Klein points out, however, that even when organizations use an AI factory approach, humans should still be involved in critical decision-making. He also emphasized the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect the data being handled by the AI factory.

The ECS VP also noted an organization’s need for upskilling so its workforce could adapt to new tools and methodologies.

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Written by Jerry Petersen

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