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DOD CDAO Needs Industry’s Help on 3 New Responsible AI Projects

DOD CDAO Needs Industry’s Help on 3 New Responsible AI Projects
Three week countdown until, POC's 5th Annual AI, Summit!

The Department of Defense’s artificial intelligence office has put out a call for three new opportunities for industry collaboration.

The requests for proposals were posted to Tradewinds earlier this month and all center upon responsible AI usage, Dr. Matthew Johnson, senior technical advisor at the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office, posted on LinkedIn. Dr. Johnson deals directly with responsible AI implementation in his work at the Pentagon.

DOD CDAO Needs Industry’s Help on 3 New Responsible AI Projects - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Dr. Matthew Johnson

Dr. Johnson will also be a panelist at Potomac Officers Club’s upcoming 5th Annual AI Summit. The event is three weeks from today — March 21! Register here to be a part of the most comprehensive GovCon autonomous tech event of the year. It will be held at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park in Virginia and flush with key networking possibilities.

Below are the three RFPs the CDAO has currently open on responsible AI:

  1. Resource for Covering Responsible AI Developments (“RAI Wire”)

The DOD is seeking an analytical mechanism that synthesizes and provides up-to-date information about AI ethics, sourced from academia, the private sector and market behavior. The selected party should be prepared to construct a “framework for this product and to deliver it on a regular basis.” Read more and submit a proposal here.

  1. Responsible AI Toolkit Validation & Development

In this project, the Pentagon is looking for a third party to validate and pilot its toolkit on DOD use cases for responsible AI. The partner will also be expected to refine and build upon the toolkit and web app’s substance and capability. Read more and submit a proposal here.

  1. Responsible AI Tools Architecture & Integration Study

Under this endeavor, potential partner(s) will carry out a comprehensive design process that will determine the need for and requirements of a responsible AI “platform or platforms to integrate into systems that support AI-enabled capabilities.” Partners will gauge and note what development, TEVV, cyber and operational and monitoring systems are functioning in DOD data science, AI and machine learning teams. Read more and submit a proposal here.

All three opportunities close on Wednesday, March 6.

Find out more about upcoming CDAO collaborations with industry at the 5th Annual AI Summit, from Potomac Officers Club. Dr. Johnson will not be the only CDAO representative — the event kicks off with a keynote address from CDAO Chief Technology Officer Dr. Bill Streilein. Register here now.

DOD CDAO Needs Industry’s Help on 3 New Responsible AI Projects - top government contractors - best government contracting event
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