
Raytheon Missiles & Defense Relocates to University of Arizona Tech Park

Raytheon Missiles & Defense Relocates to University of Arizona Tech Park - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Raytheon Missiles & Defense has agreed to move into the new UA Tech Park at the Bridges, leasing around 14,000 square feet of office space near the University of Arizona

The Raytheon Technologies unit is relocating to The Refinery building, one of the first multi-tenant buildings at the 65-acre research park, UA Tech Park manager Tech Parks Arizona said Tuesday. 

The move is an extension of the company’s long-standing relationship with the university. Raytheon Missiles & Defense intends to use the new space to collaborate with university partners and government agencies on the development of new technologies and to tap into the location’s talent pool. 

“We purposefully built the UA Tech Park to facilitate university-industry interaction and create a sandbox for new technology advancement and economic prosperity,” said Carol Stewart, vice president for Tech Parks Arizona.

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Written by Regina Garcia

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