Paperless Innovations has stated that commercial off-the-shelf software-as-a-service platforms could help government agencies advance workforce automation and reduce procurement card program risks in compliance with the requirements of the Office of Management and Budget’s Circular A-123.
Paperless said Friday OMB Circular A-123 seeks to create standard requirements and best practices for government purchase card programs by consolidating guidance documents from federal agencies such as the General Services Administration and the Department of the Treasury.
“Realization of the intended benefits in P-Card usage has created a tightrope balancing act for agencies necessitating an increase in workforce burdens and all too often, the building of homegrown systems to manage the prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse,” said Mike Tocci, president of Paperless Innovations.
According to Paperless, advancing automation of “right actions” via the adoption of commercial best practices could help agencies achieve compliance oversight through real-time audit, desktop data visualization and digital records management.
Tocci said shared services like Paperless’ Actus offering could provide agencies the cybersecurity, compliance, transparency and accountability that they need as they oversee government procurement processes for products and services “while improving the work/life balance for millions of public sector employees.”
Actus is a SaaS offering available on the FedRAMP Marketplace. The cloud-based platform is designed to help organizations automate management of procurement card transactions and audits and visualize data and workflows through a single dashboard.