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General Atomics Updates Prototype for Space Force’s Weather System Satellite Program

General Atomics Updates Prototype for Space Force's Weather System Satellite Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event

General Atomics‘ electromagnetic systems business has increased the scope of its proposed electro-optical infrared weather system satellite for a U.S. Space Force program from a one-year demonstrator to a multi-year operating prototype.

The company said Monday its updated EWS design will now have a lifespan of up to five years and a residual capability to deliver operational weather data support to defense users.

The proposed satellite will include a weather sensor payload from EOVista and weather product generation features from Atmospheric and Environmental Research. Its spacecraft ground command and control will be from Parsons.

“The [General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems] EWS spacecraft will now be able to provide extended operations, direct broadcast of weather data to tactical users, and increased reliability to meet mission requirements,” said GA-EMS President Scott Forney.

The satellite proposal is GA-EMS’ entry to the final design phase of the USSF Space Systems Command’s EWS Prototype Demonstration program, which is in the competitive phase now.

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Written by Angeline Leishman

is an Executive Mosaic staff writer covering broad topics in the federal government contracting industry.

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