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SparkCognition, Intrinsic to Explore AI-Based Training Applications for Air Force

SparkCognition, Intrinsic to Explore AI-Based Training Applications for Air Force - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Pilot training

A team of SparkCognition's government services unit and Intrinsic Enterprises has received a contract from the U.S. Air Force to explore the potential use of artificial intelligence in military pilot training programs.

The partnership will aim to develop a qualitative standards-based approach to gauge airmen's skills mastery using AI and machine learning through the Air Force Research Laboratory's Small Business Innovation Research program, SparkCognition Government Services said Wednesday.

SGS noted that the existing pilot training system uses quantitative metrics at multiple phases and the two companies will work to help the service branch create a program that could also expand to ground and sea domains.

"Through this contract, we're exploring how to upskill and augment team members for the mission at hand—particularly in the case of improving pilot training,” said Logan Jones, SGS president and general manager.  

The award given to the industry team is part of a new category under the SBIR program, a collaborative initiative between AFRL and AFWERX to expedite the commercial technology sourcing process.

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Written by Carol Collins

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