
HII to Begin USS John C. Stennis Carrier Modernization Work

USS John C. Stennis
USS John C. Stennis

USS John C. Stennis, the seventh Nimitz-class aircraft carrier to undergo a midlife refueling and complex overhaul, is moving forward with its rehabilitation after arriving at Huntington Ingalls Industries.

The CVN 74 supercarrier will be the seventh ship of the U.S. Navy's Nimitz class to undergo a midlife refueling and complex overhaul process, HII said Thursday.

HII helped the service branch plan the RCOH effort under a $187.6 million contract awarded in 2018.

As part of the planning phase, the company procured long lead-time materials, inspected shipboard systems and prepared its facilities to be used for the maintenance period.

The company's Newport News Shipbuilding division will perform repair work on vessel propellers and other systems, blast and paint the hull and freeboard, and refuel the fleet’s power plant.

Todd West, vice president of Newport News' in-service aircraft carrier programs, said the company will work with Stennis’ crew along with the 579 partners assigned to supply materials and provide support services to the project.

HII aims to provide the Navy a modernized carrier that can support defense missions for an additional 25 years.

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Written by Carol Collins

Phil Carrai Division president Kratos
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