A helmet display system developed by an Elbit Systems of America–Collins Aerospace joint venture has started to undergo tests as part of a U.S. Air Force flight release process for the Lockheed Martin F-16V aircraft.
Collins Elbit Vision Systems’ Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II completed a safety qualification test prior to the commencement of flight demonstrations, Elbit Systems said Monday.
The ongoing tests are intended to evaluate the reliability, safety, maintainability and performance of F-16V aircraft and subsystems.
JHMCS II consists of a visor projected display, an optical-inertial tracking device and uplook reticles that provide visual cues for target identification.
Elbit Systems added that the system includes a night module designed to help aviator night vision goggles deliver symbology during flight through a one-handed switch.
The device serves as the baseline HMD technology for the F-16V and Block 70/72 configurations of the fighter aircraft.