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Dcode Lands Air Force SBIR Phase II Contract for Dual-Use Tech Dev’t

Dcode Lands Air Force SBIR Phase II Contract for Dual-Use Tech Dev't - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Dcode has secured a Small Business Research Innovation contract from the. U.S. Air Force's AFWERX organization to build a dual-use technology to support the government innovation process.

Under the Phase II SBIR contract, the company will aim to develop tools for public sector users to manage different stages of the innovation life cycle. from analyzing use cases for an identified technology to launching a pilot program, Dcode said Friday.

The company added it will further develop products. intended to match commercial technology offerings with government requirements.

"Our tech matching product and our remote education and collaboration product are designed to accelerate innovation in the federal market," said Meagan Metzger,. Dcode CEO.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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