David Watts, chief digital adviser for the public sector at. World Wide Technology, wrote in a Nextgov article published Friday that government agencies should implement a data-driven culture and leverage data analytics to accelerate their digital transformation efforts.
Watts noted that adopting a data-driven culture calls for agencies to implement four steps and the first is improving data maturity.
Agencies should know where they are in the Data Maturity Curve in order to maximize the value of data. This curve has six stages: lack of data for analytical projects; isolated data projects; secure, reliable data repository; governed self-service access; scientific hub for data insights; and insight driven culture.
'To successfully move up the curve, agencies should identify and prioritize specific projects or use cases that will create value for their organization before deploying specific algorithms or platforms,' Watts wrote.
Watts also discussed the three other steps public sector agencies should do to implement a data-driven culture: breaking down siloes and deploying integration methods; harnessing the power of emerging technology; and creating a workforce with a data-driven culture.