
Remediant Takes Part in Dcode Accelerate Cybersecurity Program

Remediant Takes Part in Dcode Accelerate Cybersecurity Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Remediant Takes Part in Dcode Accelerate Cybersecurity Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Remediant, a San Francisco-based cybersecurity company, has participated in a 10-week Dcode initiative that seeks to incorporate technological offerings from the private sector to government efforts.

The company said Tuesday it will help industry and government officials and craft a government and defense strategy under the Dcode Accelerate program.

Paul Lanzi, chief operating officer at Remediant, said Dcode Accelerate will enable the company to meet cybersecurity protection gaps in the defense and public sectors.

Remediant underwent a stringent vetting procedure to take part in the initiative.

Prior to Dcode Accelerate, the company received a Phase 1 award of an undisclosed sum under the Small Business Innovation Research program.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

David Gardner
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