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BAE-Collins Aerospace JV to Build Shipboard Comms Terminal for Navy

BAE-Collins Aerospace JV to Build Shipboard Comms Terminal for Navy - top government contractors - best government contracting event
BAE-Collins Aerospace JV to Build Shipboard Comms Terminal for Navy - top government contractors - best government contracting event

A Collins Aerospace and BAE Systems joint venture has received a $3.2M contract to manufacture terminals for a new U.S. Navy shipboard system designed to help troops send and receive text messages or images.

Data Link Solutions will produce cabinets to house the service branch's updated Multifunctional Information Distribution System for data sharing between U.S. and NATO allies, BAE said Tuesday.

Production of the terminals will take place at a BAE and Collin Aerospace facilities located in New Jersey and Iowa.

The MIDS On-Ship Modernization System is intended to operate with Link 16 radio platforms and support field interchangeability between the MIDS Joint Tactical Radio System and Low Volume Terminal 4.

MOS MOD will work to generate 1K watts of power with the JTRS transmitter and receiver. The platform is designed to also address frequency remapping, waveform and cryptographic requirements.

Data Link Solutions is scheduled to deliver the cabinets beginning in September.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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