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Signature Science, IARPA to Enter Final Bioinformatics Project Phase


Signature Science, IARPA to Enter Final Bioinformatics Project Phase - top government contractors - best government contracting event

A Signature Science-led team will help the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity further develop software for screening short DNA sequence patterns during the third phase of IARPA’s Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats program.

The company said Tuesday its research team aims to refine analysis tools for the Sequence to Functional Analysis of Threats platform’s users to identify the taxonomic characteristics and functions of input sequences.

The first and second phases of the Fun GCAT program sought approaches for the rapid extrapolation of data and isolation of potential threats within a DNA segment.

Under a $1.9M contract, Signature Science will work with University of Maryland, Rice University and the Fraunhofer USA Center for Experimental Software Engineering to prepare the S2FAST technology for end-user implementation.

The software is designed to assess threats, uncover the origin of species species origin and annotate functions

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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