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VT Halter Marine Lands Navy Option to Design, Build Fourth Berthing Barge

VT Halter Marine Lands Navy Option to Design, Build Fourth Berthing Barge - top government contractors - best government contracting event
VT Halter Marine Lands Navy Option to Design, Build Fourth Berthing Barge - top government contractors - best government contracting event

VT Halter Marine, an ST Engineering business, has secured a $39M contract option to design and build a fourth temporary accommodation barge for the U.S. Navy.

The company has received an initial firm-fixed-price contract with a potential value of $244M to build two Auxiliary Personnel Lighter–Small berthing and messing barges with an option for an additional four vessels, ST Engineering said Friday.

VT Halter is expected to deliver the first two APLs in the third quarter of 2020, while construction efforts for the fourth vessel are slated to conclude by 2021.

The firm will also provide related services and supplies under the contract.

APLs are designed to take in 611 ship crewmembers in the event of inter-deployment training cycles and ship availabilities. Each berthing barge houses classrooms, laundry areas, medical facilities, offices, fitness centers and barber shops.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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