Get SAT and Inmarsat have demonstrated and deployed a satellite terminal system designed to boost the efficiency of on-the-move communications for government users.
Get SAT said Monday its Dual SAT system uses lightweight micronized Milli SAT LM technology and the Inmarsat-made Global Xpress Ka-band network to facilitate on-the-move communications.
The system's two terminals switch with one another if the other one is blocked. An automated switching system facilitates this shifting as the terminals jointly operate.
Milli SAT technology produces portable and ruggedized terminals smaller than complex, multi-modem systems.
Get SAT's flat-panel antennas allow the Dual SAT system to operate autonomously with high-bandwidth data.
Steve Gizinski, chief technology officer at Inmarsat's government division, said Get SAT terminals are the lightest, most compact systems that support the Global Xpress network.