
Booz Allen Opens New Colorado Office

Booz Allen Opens New Colorado Office - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Booz Allen Opens New Colorado Office - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Booz Allen Hamilton has inaugurated a new office in Aurora, Colo., that will function to support federal government customers from the intelligence and defense sectors, Denver Post reported Friday.

The 10K-square-foot office houses a sensitive compartmented information facility that will accommodate developmental efforts for classified and unclassified work.

The company seeks to employ 20 to 30 people to fill in technology posts at the new office.

Steve Delbusso, senior vice president at Booz Allen, said the firm has landed government business opportunities through its partnerships with various customers such as the Denver Federal Center and the Buckley Air Force Base.

Booz Allen noted its Colorado workforce has expanded by 40 percent through the company’s space and intelligence business units in two years.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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