
DIU Seeks Cloud Gateway to Replace DoD Network Access Points

DIU Seeks Cloud Gateway to Replace DoD Network Access Points - top government contractors - best government contracting event
DIU Seeks Cloud Gateway to Replace DoD Network Access Points - top government contractors - best government contracting event

The Department of Defense plans to award an other transaction agreement to an entity that can provide an alternative to cloud access points designed to connect DoD networks with commercial cloud service providers.

The Defense Innovation Unit said in a notice that DoD intends to replace CAPs with cloud security gateways designed to handle secure communications and operate with a “continuously growing base of managed cloud services.”

According to the notice, the commercial offering must meet Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program Impact Level 2 requirements at the minimum and have the capacity to support more than 500K users and 1M endpoints. In addition, it must be able to retain a chronological record of all network activity.

DoD uses a CAP for data at Impact Level 4 and above. The access point currently connects cloud providers with the DoD Information Network, Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network and Secret Internet Protocol Router Network.

DIU will accept proposals until Nov. 27 ahead of planned phase two demonstrations early next year.

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