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Sarcos Demos Guardian XO Wearable Robot

Sarcos Demos Guardian XO Wearable Robot - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Jeff Brody

Sarcos Robotics has conducted field tests for an autonomously powered exoskeleton, or wearable robot, that works to augment a user's endurance, strength and safety capacities.

The company said Monday it used the Guardian XO exoskeleton to mount a 125-pound missile below an aircraft wing and carry an 85-pound tire and full ammunition pallets weighing 110 pounds during a demonstration at Salt Lake City. A different field test also took place at the Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane, Wash.

Sarcos collaborated with the Department of Defense and various industry partners during the development of Guardian XO in a move to address clients' needs.

Alok Das, a senior scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory's Center for Rapid Innovation, said the company is slated to carry out field demos for exoskeleton systems in 2020 under a partnership.

'I witnessed the demonstration of this impressive technology and saw first-hand the myriad ways that these wearable robots can enhance the capabilities and safety of our soldiers,' Das added.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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