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Forcepoint’s George Kamis: Cloud Access Security Brokers Could Help Agencies Strengthen Cyber Posture

Forcepoint’s George Kamis: Cloud Access Security Brokers Could Help Agencies Strengthen Cyber Posture - top government contractors - best government contracting event
George Kamis
Forcepoint’s George Kamis: Cloud Access Security Brokers Could Help Agencies Strengthen Cyber Posture - top government contractors - best government contracting event
George Kamis

George Kamis, chief technology officer for global governments and critical infrastructure business at Forcepoint, wrote in a FedTech article published Wednesday that cloud access security brokers could help federal agencies ensure the security of applications in the cloud.

Kamis discussed how CASBs could help agencies improve mobile security, ensure data encryption and secure data sharing as well as gain access to intelligence surrounding various apps.

“Visibility and the ability to holistically manage an entire application environment are key components to a CASB,” he said. “IT managers can identify and monitor all of the applications that are being used by their colleagues and apply security policies to all applications simultaneously.”

He noted that behavioral analysis of digital tools in a network could help manage risks and could be used with a CASB to come up with a threat prevention strategy.

“A CASB can monitor a user’s behaviors and interactions across a wide array of applications,” Kamis said. “This information can be used to determine whether or not the user should be classified as a high risk, such as those that have access to highly sensitive data or who exhibit deviations from normal behavioral patterns.”

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Written by Jane Edwards

is a staff writer at Executive Mosaic, where she writes for ExecutiveBiz about IT modernization, cybersecurity, space procurement and industry leaders’ perspectives on government technology trends.

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