
Forcepoint’s Matt Moynahan on Data Protection, Cyber Experience Center

Forcepoint’s Matt Moynahan on Data Protection, Cyber Experience Center - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Matt Moynahan
Forcepoint’s Matt Moynahan on Data Protection, Cyber Experience Center - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Matt Moynahan

Forcepoint CEO Matt Moynahan told CRN in an interview published Monday that he thinks data protection is the “greatest underrepresented opportunity” in the field of cybersecurity.

He described the company’s Dynamic Data Protection platform, which is a combination of behavioral analytics and data loss prevention, and shared his views on DLP, database security and web application firewalls.

When asked about his top channel priorities for the rest of 2019, Moynahan mentioned the company’s focus on working with a smaller number of high-quality relationships.

“We need partners that are going to invest in long-term customer relationships and long-term outcome, and then sell point products against that. … And I would encourage partners to understand how we can collectively bring cloud services to market,” he added.

Moynahan also described the company’s Cyber Experience Center in Boston and mentioned plans to have 50 to 100 employees at the center by the end of 2019.

“We’re trying to show people how people become victims, whether it be by nation-state attack, whether companies are victims from insider employees turning against a company … It is really an interactive facility where hopefully people leave far more educatied that they could be without the multimedia elements of what we put here,” he said of the center.

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Written by Jane Edwards

is a staff writer at Executive Mosaic, where she writes for ExecutiveBiz about IT modernization, cybersecurity, space procurement and industry leaders’ perspectives on government technology trends.

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