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NextgenID Offers Identity Proofing System Designed to Comply With Federal ID Mgmt Policy

NextgenID Offers Identity Proofing System Designed to Comply With Federal ID Mgmt Policy - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Jeff Brody

NextgenID has introduced a kiosk with supervised remote in-person proofing technology designed to comply with the Office of Management and Budget’s updated identity, access management and credential standards.

The company said Monday it developed the Virtual In-Person Proofing platform to help government agencies meet policies under the OMB Memorandum M-19-17 and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Special Publication 800-63A.

The technology operates with IDCapture Kiosk, built to secure the process of capturing multiple biometrics and related personal identity information.

OMB released a memo that requires agencies to support cross-government federation and interoperability through the implementation of electronic verification methods.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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