
GSA to Accept Comments on Proposed Multiple Award Schedule Consolidation

GSA to Accept Comments on Proposed Multiple Award Schedule Consolidation - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Jeff Brody

The General Services Administration is seeking industry feedback on its plan to consolidate 24 Multiple Award Schedule contracts for products and services into a single contracting vehicle by Oct. 1.

GSA said Friday the MAS consolidation initiative, which is open for comment until June 21, is a key component of the agency's Federal Market Strategy aimed at simplifying the procurement system for government agencies and vendors.

“Our goal is to reduce the administrative burden for all who interact with GSA schedules,” said GSA Administrator Emily Murphy.

“We’ve worked to remove legacy, duplicative, and unnecessary clauses so that it’s easier to buy and sell with the federal government," Murphy added.

GSA's MAS Program Management Office reviewed existing schedules terms and conditions in a move to eliminate duplicate content from clauses and provisions.

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