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Lockheed Awarded $63M to Continue Navy Undersea Combat System Development Work

Lockheed Awarded $63M to Continue Navy Undersea Combat System Development Work - top government contractors - best government contracting event
Jeff Brody

Lockheed Martin’s rotary and mission systems unit will continue to develop a surface ship undersea warfare system for the U.S. Navy under a $63.1M contract option.

The exercised option provides incremental funds for the development, integration and production of the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 USW combat technology, the Department of Defense said Tuesday.

The system is designed to help the Navy detect, identify and track undersea contacts as well as avoid threats such as submarines, mine-like small objects and torpedoes.

Work will take place in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia through May 2020.

The Navy will obligate $11.13M in foreign military sales, shipbuilding and conversion, research, development, test and evaluation, operations and maintenance, and procurement funds at the time of award. 

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Written by Darwin McDaniel

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