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Insitu Gets SOCOM Contract Modification for Drone ISR Services

Insitu Gets SOCOM Contract Modification for Drone ISR Services - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Insitu Gets SOCOM Contract Modification for Drone ISR Services - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Boeing‘s Insitu subsidiary has received a $23M contract modification from the U.S. Special Operations Command to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance services for the Mid-Endurance Unmanned Aircraft System 1.5B program.

The modification brings the cumulative value of a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to $273M and is meant to prevent a gap in ISR services until SOCOM transitions all task orders to the competitive MEUAS III contracts, the Department of Defense said Friday.

Insitu received a $232M task order last year to provide MEUAS II-B support services.

SOCOM will initially obligate $7.3M in fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance funds for the modification.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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