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Collins Aerospace to Develop GPS Receivers Under Air Force Contract

Collins Aerospace to Develop GPS Receivers Under Air Force Contract - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Collins Aerospace to Develop GPS Receivers Under Air Force Contract - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Collins Aerospace has secured a two-year, $43M contract from the U.S. Air Force to design and develop GPS receivers for military use.

The Department of Defense said Wednesday Collins Aerospace will also test developed receivers for future applications to the preliminary design review of the Next Generation Application Specific Integrated Circuit program.

The service branch will obligate $9M from fiscal year 2019 research and development funds at the time of award, the Department of Defense said Wednesday.

The Space and Missile Systems Center conducted a sole-source acquisition of the services and allocated $9M in fiscal 2019 research and development funds at time of award. 

Contract work will take place in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, through April 2021.

Space and Missile Systems Center procured the contract via a sole-source solicitation process.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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