
Intel’s Melvin Greer: Agencies Should Prioritize Readiness for AI Implementation

Intel's Melvin Greer: Agencies Should Prioritize Readiness for AI Implementation - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Intel's Melvin Greer: Agencies Should Prioritize Readiness for AI Implementation - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Melvin Greer, chief data scientist for Intel, wrote in a Nextgov piece published Friday that agencies need to improve readiness at the operational, technological and organizational levels to leverage artificial intelligence as a strategic asset.

Greer wrote in a Nextgov piece published Friday that agencies should look to their chief data officers and collaborate with outside data science experts in efforts to implement the technology.

"CDOs can provide you with a clear vision of what can be accomplished through AI and help answer important questions, such as which priorities will yield the biggest impact," he said.

He added that agencies need to ensure that they have the infrastructure, architecture and data integration and interoperability processes before rolling out AI technologies.

According to Greer, cloud-based services are more useful than on-premises data centers in addressing storage and scalability requirements such those needed for AI systems' language and image processing activities. He noted that agencies with an AI and data-centric mindset can demonstrate the potential to manage AI investments.

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