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Northrop Earns Recognition for Aircraft Manufacturing Systems

Northrop Earns Recognition for Aircraft Manufacturing Systems - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Northrop Earns Recognition for Aircraft Manufacturing Systems - top government contractors - best government contracting event

The National Association of Manufacturers has recognized Northrop Grumman for using technologies to produce aircraft systems.

Northrop said Wednesday it will receive Manufacturing Leadership Awards for three of its aircraft manufacturing platforms that employ assembly metadata integration, virtual and augmented reality and analytics-based complex assembly approaches.

The company uses analytics technology to automate manual tasks and mine data from systems on the F-35 integrated assembly line.

The ACA system helps Northrop to build complex machine parts and drill hole-bores for manned and unmanned aerial systems such as MQ-4C Triton and RQ-4 Global Hawk.

According to the company, it also uses AR, VR and 3D analytics tools to generate human variability and work content data on airframe production efforts.

NMA will present the awards during the 15th Annual Manufacturing Leadership event that will take place in conjunction with the Manufacturing Leadership Summit from June 10 to 12 in Huntington Beach, Calif.

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Written by Matthew Nelson

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