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Army Recognizes CTC Participation in Energy, Water Conservation Program

Army Recognizes CTC Participation in Energy, Water Conservation Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Army Recognizes CTC Participation in Energy, Water Conservation Program - top government contractors - best government contracting eventConcurrent Technologies Corp. has received recognition from the U.S. Army for supporting assessment efforts under Fort Huachuca’s energy and water conservation program.

The service said Thursday honored CTC with one of the 2018 Secretary of the Army Energy and Water Management Awards in a ceremony in Cleveland, Ohio.

The company’s support in the assessment led to the development of design for a mission critical microgrid.

The two-year program also helped Fort Huachuca create an Energy and Water Security and Resiliency Strategy that will possibly surpass the Army Directive 2017-07, Installation Energy and Water Security Policy, which directs the Army to secure energy and water for critical missions for at least 14 days.

The military installation also launched the program to educate nearby communities in reducing energy and water usage.

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Written by Monica Jackson

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