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Lockheed-Built SBIRS GEO-3 Satellite Fully Operational

Lockheed-Built SBIRS GEO-3 Satellite Fully Operational - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Lockheed-Built SBIRS GEO-3 Satellite Fully Operational - top government contractors - best government contracting event

A Lockheed Martin-built missile warning satellite that launched Jan. 19 from Cape Canaveral, Fla., has been declared as fully operational and ready for use at the U.S. Air Force.

Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit 3 transmits data to the 460th Space Wing-operated Mission Control Station at Buckley AF Base in Colorado, the service branch said Thursday.

GEO-3 was able to deploy its antenna, light shade and solar array and antenna wings upon reaching the satellite’s intended orbit.

The mission represented the Air Force’s fourth geosynchronous satellite launch in efforts to replace missile warning and detection satellites that have been in service for 45 years.

Lockheed’s space systems business is the prime contractor on the SBIRS program and Northrop Grumman’s electronic systems unit serves as the payload integrator.

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Written by Peter Graham

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