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SSL-Built Satellite for Indonesian Telecom Begins Post-Launch Maneuvers

SSL-Built Satellite for Indonesian Telecom Begins Post-Launch Maneuvers - top government contractors - best government contracting event

SSL-Built Satellite for Indonesian Telecom Begins Post-Launch Maneuvers - top government contractors - best government contracting event

A communications satellite SSL built for telecommunications firm PT Telkom Indonesia has started conducting post-launch maneuvers a day after its liftoff aboard a Falcon 9 rocket.

Merah Putih released the satellite’s solar arrays and would fire its primary thruster to reach final orbit, SSL parent company Maxar Technologies said Tuesday.

The system is designed to provide internet and telephone services throughout Indonesia and other parts of south and southeast Asia, as well as reduce backhaul for cellular service.

SSL equipped Merah Putih with a composite strut tower, 24 C-band and 12 extended transponders covering South East Asia and an additional 24 transponders for South Asia.

The satellite is built upon the SSL 1300 platform equipped with a solar electric propulsion technology and other modern technologies such as Q/V band, photonics and a payload orbital delivery system.

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Written by Monica Jackson

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