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Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Speak at FireEye Cybersecurity Summit; Kevin Mandia Comments

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Speak at FireEye Cybersecurity Summit; Kevin Mandia Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Speak at FireEye Cybersecurity Summit; Kevin Mandia Comments - top government contractors - best government contracting eventFireEye has invited former Secretary of State Dr. Madeleine Albright to discuss current cybersecurity issues at this year's Cyber Defense Summit which will take place from Oct. 1 to 4 at the Washington Hilton at Washington, D.C.

In addition to Albright's “Economy and Security in the 21st Century” keynote address, FireEye will also hold eight optional pre-summit training courses that are focused on alert analysis, red teaming, malware analysis, digital forensics and incident response, threat analytics, network traffic analytics and endpoint security investigations from Oct. 1 to 2, FireEye said Wednesday.

“As the first woman Secretary of State and former top diplomat for the [U.S.], among many other notable roles, Dr. Albright has been on the frontlines of global security issues. Her experience working with multiple [U.S.] administrations and global leaders brings unique perspective to the discussion around security today,” said FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia.

Mandia added that keeping today's cyber landscape safe requires knowledge sharing and industry-wide collaboration to remain one step ahead from cyber adversaries.

The summit will feature sessions under the executive track, which focuses on cybersecurity information needed by those in leadership roles; the practitioner track, aimed at those from lower-level positions; and the solutions track which will discuss how FireEye technologies will be deployed at major cybersecurity operations.

FireEye will announce additional speakers via the summit’s official website over the coming weeks.

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