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Orbital ATK to Build New Campus in Arizona for Launch Vehicle Operations

Orbital ATK to Build New Campus in Arizona for Launch Vehicle Operations - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Orbital ATK to Build New Campus in Arizona for Launch Vehicle Operations - top government contractors - best government contracting eventOrbital ATK will establish a new 47-acre campus in Chandler, Arizona to accommodate the expansion of the company’s launch vehicle operations.

The new campus will include 617,000 square feet of space for two buildings as well as 261,000 square feet for manufacturing, Orbital ATK said Friday.

Rich Straka, vice president and general manager of Orbital ATK’s launch vehicles division, said that the rockets built in Chandler are used to deliver cargo to the International Space Station as well as support science and national security missions.

The company looks to fill 200 job openings in Chandler and expand its workforce in the city by another 50 personnel in the next year and a half as part of efforts to expand the launch vehicles division.

The new facility will bring Orbital ATK’s total footprint in Arizona to more than 892,000 square feet.

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Written by Ramona Adams

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