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Maxar to Transfer Corporate HQ to Westminster, Colorado

Maxar to Transfer Corporate HQ to Westminster, Colorado - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Maxar to Transfer Corporate HQ to Westminster, Colorado - top government contractors - best government contracting eventMaxar Technologies will relocate its corporate headquarters from San Francisco, California, to DigitalGlobe’s existing facility in Westminster, Colorado.

“This move represents an opportunity to bring together our executive leadership team in a common location, as well as to establish a base for our future shared-services organizations,” Howard Lance, Maxar president and CEO, said in a statement released Wednesday.

Maxar expects the move to generate approximately 800 jobs in Colorado in the next eight years.

DigitalGlobe, which MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates acquired through a $3.6 billion transaction, continues to operate in Westminster as one of the four business units of Maxar and has approximately 1,000 employees in Colorado.

Maxar’s Radiant Solutions, SSL and MDA business units respectively operate in Virginia, California and Canada.

Lance said Maxar is grateful for the job creation-based incentives and support offered by the state of Colorado as the company continues to deliver Earth imagery, analytics, geospatial data and other space technology platforms and services to government and commercial clients.

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Written by Jane Edwards

is a staff writer at Executive Mosaic, where she writes for ExecutiveBiz about IT modernization, cybersecurity, space procurement and industry leaders’ perspectives on government technology trends.

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