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Galois to Develop Hardware Security Tools, Methods Under DARPA Program

Galois to Develop Hardware Security Tools, Methods Under DARPA Program - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Galois to Develop Hardware Security Tools, Methods Under DARPA Program - top government contractors - best government contracting eventGalois has received a multiyear, $4.5 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop methods and tools to secure hardware for consumer, government and commercial use.

The company said Wednesday it will lead a team project under the first phase of DARPA’s System Security Integrated through Hardware and Firmware program that seeks to address hardware vulnerabilities exploited through software in Defense Department and commercial electronics.

Bluespec and Reduced Energy Microsystems will work with Galois on the project.

Work includes the evaluation of security and suitability of up to 72 different RISC-V  operating central processing units from eight individual SSITH teams.

The CPUs are designed to employ various system security methods and hardware design languages such as  Bluespec, Chisel and System Verilog, Galois noted.

Galois’ Balancing Evaluation of System Security Properties with Industrial Needs project aims to measure  hardware security protection with security metrics, methodology and framework.

BESSPIN will work to provide hardware security assurance capacities for CPU and semiconductor vendors, hardware manufacturers and DoD.

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Written by Joanna Crews

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